Approved Photos

Well it’s about time! Somehow it felt like forever.

Approved Photos

  1. parasailer
  2. peanuts
  3. pier
  4. furniture series – 1
  5. furniture series – 2
  6. a garden of flowers
  7. zinnia
  8. beach series – 2
  9. beach series – 1
  10. butterfly series – 4
  11. butterfly series – 5

Rejected Photos

  1. pine tree
  2. rock series
  3. electric pole series – 2

Total photos uploaded = 49

Total photos approved and available for sale = 30

Total photos rejected = 19 *sigh

Uploaded Photos


  1. Parasailer
  2. butterfly series – 2 photo
  3. beach series – 1
  4. beach series – 2
  5. a garden of flowers
  6. zinnia
  7. rock series
  8. furniture series – 1
  9. furniture series – 2

Uploaded another 3

  1. pine tree 
  2. peanuts
  3. pier

Sold Photo Yay~!

Ogie, I sold one of my photo.  Even if it’s 1, it’s enuff to make me happy.  At least I know got ppl buying i feel gewd.

I thank the person who made the purchase!  Whoever and whereever you are XD so so happy.

The Newly Uploaded Photos

9 new photos

  1. grasshopper
  2. water lily
  3. water plant
  4. waterdrops
  5. water lettuce
  6. tudung saji
  7. abalone soup
  8. rock formation
  9. tree trunk

5 rejected photos

  1. electric pole series – 2
  2. fly series – 2
  3. corals
  4. pegaga
  5. pigeon

I’m posting up some of my photos for sale at

But, I gotta say, trying to find the photo with the link is terrible. Especially by category. Should have look for it by country.

Anyways, here are some photos up for sale.

Nature (Insects)

  1. butterfly
  2. lady bird series – 1
  3. butterfly series -2
  4. flies series – 1
  5. dragonfly series – 4
  6. dragonfly series – 3
  7. dragonfly series – 2
  8. dragonfly series – 1


  1. fishing
  2. electric pole

Rejected Photos

  1. Water Lotus
  2. Desert Rose
  3. Caterpillar
  4. Butterfly
  5. Tongkat Ali
  6. chinese ground orchid
  7. fleas
  8. puppy
  9. tussock moth caterpillar – this one i deleted
  10. rose bud

Noted: 2 of my desert rose photo were rejected.

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